Army Corps Patches

Here you can find a list of different United States Army Corps patches. In total there are 24 Army corpses. For every patch we have added pictures of the insignia (some with variations) and some background information. The patches seen here are made during the World War Two era. We hope you find this helpful!

1st Army Corps
The First Army Corps was active in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. The 1st Corps was mostly responsible for the New Guinea Campaign. The campaign was the first major Allied victory against the Japanese Army, and marked the turn of the tide in the war against Japan. After this the 1st Army Corps fought among others in the Philippine Campaign and in Luzon.

The insignia of the 1st Army corps is a black circle with a with open circle in the middle.

Nickname: America's Corps

May 1945 divisions:
24th Infantry Division,25th Infantry Division, 33rd Infantry Division, and 41st Infantry Division

2nd Army Corps
The Second Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was sent to England in June 1942. They fought in the Tunisia Campaign in Africa, and later took part in the amphibious invasion of Sicily. The Corps fought Throughout Italy during the war until it ended.

The insignia of the 2nd Army corps is a blue rectangle with a white border with in the middle an eagle, the roman number II and a lion.


May 1945 divisions: 34th Infantry Division, 88th Infantry Division, 91st Infantry Division


3rd Army Corps
The Third Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. In the early stages of the war the corps served as a defense corps of the US West Coast. From August 1942 it served mostly as a training corps and trained over 33 divisions. The corps was re designated and deployed to the ETO in August 1944. They fought at the battle of Metz and took a role in the Battle of the Bulge to assist Bastogne.

The insignia of the 3rd Army corps is a 3 pointed blue star shape with a white triangle in the middle.


Nickname: Phantom Corps, America's Hammer
May 1945 divisions:
14th Armored Division, 99th infantry division


4th Army Corps
The Fourth Army Corps Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was activated in June 1944 and fought in the Italian Campaign. It relieved the 6th Corps after the liberation of Rome who had to take part in Operation Dragoon. In the autumn and winter of 1944, the IV Corps formed the central fighting force of the Fifth Army's sector, being important in the Fifth Army's assault on the Gothic Line.

The insignia of the 4th Army corps is a circle with 4 equally divided blue and white quarters.

May 1945 divisions: 1st armored division, 10th mountain division, 85th infantry division, 92nd infantry division


5th Army Corps
The Fifth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. On 6 June 1944, the Corps assaulted Omaha Beach, Normandy. It later played a big role in the liberation of Paris and France before turning efforts on the Battle of the Bulge. After the Bulge, the 5th army corps fought throughout Germany and were the first to make contact with the Red Army at Torgau.

The insignia of the 5th Army corps is a blue pentagon shape with a white border and white lines.

Nickname: Victory Corps
It Will Be Done
May 1945 divisions:
9th Armored Division, 16th Armored Division, 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Infantry Division, 97th Infantry Division


6th Army Corps
The Sixth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps took a lead role in the invasion of Sicily were it helped liberate Rome. Following the capture of Rome the corps left the frontline in preparation of Operation Dragoon, the invasion of southern France. The liberation of southern France occurred rapidly. They moved towards the north and saw some action during the Battle of The Bulge.

The insignia of the 6th Army corps is a round blue patch with a white 6 in the middle.

May 1945 divisions: 10th Armored Division, 44th Infantry Division, 103rd Infantry Division


7th Army Corps
The Seventh Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps fought in the Normandy Campaign and led the initial assault of Operation Cobra. The 101st and 82nd Airborne units were part of the 7th corps during the battles of Normandy. After the battle of Normandy the corps took part in the liberation of France and later Germany.

The insignia of the 7th Army corps is a blue shield like shape with a white 7 in the middle. After april 1944, a new insignia was chosen, a green round patch with in the middel a red star and the roman numerals VII.

May 1945 divisions:
3rd Armored Division, 9th Infantry Division, 69th Infantry Division, 104th Infantry Division


8th Army Corps
The Eight Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was made operational in Normandy on 15 June 1944, and took up defensive positions west of Carentan and later joined the outbreak of Normandy in Operation Cobra. The corps moved towards Brest for the Battle of Brest. Afterwards moved towards the Ardennes to take part in the Battle of The Bulge. In February 1945 the corps pushed trough the Siegfried Line.

The insignia of the 8th Army corps is a blue octagon shape with a white border and a white 8 in the middle.

May 1945 divisions: 6th Armored Division, 76th Infantry Division, 87th Infantry Division, 89th Infantry Division


9th Army Corps
The  Ninth Army Corps was active in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. The corps oversaw defenses on the West Coast for the majority of the war, but in 1944 it was moved to Fort McPherson, Georgia in preparation for deployment overseas. The corps was tasked with operation Downfall, the invasion of Japan. Before the assault could be launched, Japan surrendered.

The insignia of the 9th Army corps is a round blue shape with a red border and red roman numerals, IX for 9 in the middle.


Motto: Pride of the Pacific
May 1945 divisions:
7th Infantry Division, 1st Cavalry Division


10th Army Corps
The Tenth Army Corps was active in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. The corps first saw battle during the New Guinea Campaing. In 1944 as part of the Sixth Army, the 10th corps took part in the Philippines campaign, beginning with the invasion of Leyte. 

The insignia of the 10th Army corps is a round shape with a white top half and a blue lower half. In the middle is a roman X for 10 which is also colored blue and white.






11th Army Corps
The Eleventh Army Corps was active in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. The corps went for the South West Pacific Area in March 1944 and was assigned to the Alamo Force after arriving in New Guinea. After service in New Guinea, the 11th corps participated in the liberation of the Philippines and fought in Luzon, and the Southern Philippines. After the war divisions of the corps served as an occupational force in Japan.

The insignia of the 11th Army corps is a blue round shape with two white dice in the middle. The red dot's on the dice count 11 for the 11th corps.


May 1945 divisions: 38th Infantry Division, 41st Infantry Division, 93rd Infantry Division

12th Army Corps
The Twelfth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps arrived in Le Mans, France, in August 1944. After that the divisions of the corps liberated various cities in France before turning towards Germany. During the Bulge, the Corps moved towards Luxembourg.

The insignia of the 12th Army corps is a blue shield like shape with in the middle four orange windmill blades.

May 1945 divisions: 4th Armored Division, 11th Armored Division, 5th Infantry Division, 26th Infantry Division, 90th Infantry Division


13th Army Corps
The Thirteenth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was activated in December 1942 and moved to Europe in 1944. In november 1944 the corps pierced the Siegfried Line. After The Bulge they kept liberating parts of Germany and eventually became the American force closest to the German capital Berlin at the wars end.

The insignia of the 13th Army corps is a round green shape with in the middel a clover 4 and a red triangle over it.

May 1945 divisions: 35th Infantry Division, 84th Infantry Division, 102nd Infantry Division


14th Army Corps
The Fourteenth Army Corps was active in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. The corps defeated the Japanese 17th Army on Bougainville in March 1944 During the Solomons Campaign. After that the corps prepared to land at Luzon in the Philippines. The fighting in Southern Luzon with the 1st Cavalry and the 11th Airborne ended in may 1945. Then the corps moved to the northern area of Luzon to fight until the war ended.

The insignia of the 14th Army corps is a gray shield like shape with a red four pointed star covering a blue cross.


May 1945 divisions: 6th Infantry Division, 32nd Infantry Division, 37th Infantry Division, 38th Infantry Division

15th Army Corps
The Fifteenth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps liberated Le Mans on 8 August 1944, they also helped Corps pierced German defenses in the Vosges Mountains. On 5 December 1944, the corps moved north against German defenses in the Maginot Line around Bitche. The corps fought in the Siegfried Line area until the wars end.

The insignia of the 15 Army corps is a round green patch with a blue border and the roman X and V in the middle for 15.

May 1945 divisions:
20th Armored Division, 3rd Infantry Division, 42nd Infantry Division, 86th Infantry Division


16th Army Corps
The Sixteenth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was ordered to active duty in December 1943. They fought under the 9th Army and helped liberate various cities in France and Germany.

The insignia of the 16th Army corps is green shield like shape with a blue border and in the middel a white and blue compass star.

May 1945 divisions:
29th Infantry Division, 75th Infantry Division, 79th Infantry Division, 95th Infantry Division


18th Army Corps (Airborne Corps)
The Eighteenth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps deployed to Europe on 17 August 1944. The 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions became part of the corps as part of the preparations for Market Garden. However the British 1st Airborne Corps assumed command during the operation. During the Battle of the Bulge the corps played a significant role as the head of the airborne divisions. After the Bulge the Airborne Corps planned and executed Operation Varsity, the crossing of the Rhine. It was one of the largest airborne operations of the war.

The insignia of the 18th Airborne Corps is a white square with a blue border and in the middle a blue dragon. Usually there is a blue Airborne tab with white lettering above.

Nickname: Sky Dragons
May 1945 divisions:
5th Armored Division, 7th Armored Division, 8th Infantry Division, 82nd Airborne Division


19th Army Corps
The Nineteenth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was formed in 1942 but didn't see action until 1944 where is saw action on the Western Front in Europe. The divisions of the corps saw fought with the US 1st and 9th Armies. The corps disbanded in 1945 in France.

The insignia of the 19th Army corps is a blue round patch with a white border and a white axe in the middle. In the pre-WWII era, the corps used a red bell with a yellow border as an insignia.

May 1945 divisions: 2nd Armored Division, 8th Armored Division, 30th Infantry Division, 83rd Infantry Division


20th Army Corps
The Twentieth Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps fought  from northern France to Austria during the war and first saw combat during the battle for Le Mans in August 1944. During a shortage of gasoline due to the fast advance in France, the corps didn't move much up north. After being refueled, they moved towards Metz in september 1944. The divisions of the corps fought battles in France, the Ardennes and Germany until the war ended in 1945.

The insignia of the 20th Army corps is a shield shape with a red and yellow border with a blue background. In the middle are two crossing X's, for the roman XX which stands for 20.

May 1945 divisions: 13th Armored Division, 65th Infantry Division, 71st Infantry Division, 80th Infantry Division


21st Army Corps
The Twenty-first Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps was activated in 1943 but didn't see combat until January 1945 in Eastern France with the Colmar Pocket operations. After some battles the corps got some rest and pushed through the Siegfried Line in late March 1945. Where it kept sweeping trough Germany and liberated various cities until the war ended.

The insignia of the 21st Army corps is a green square with in the middel a blue clover. Inside the clover are two white arrows crossing a red acorn.

May 1945 divisions: 101st Airborne Division, 36th Infantry Division


22nd Army Corps
The Twenty-second Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. It was activated in January 1944 and got disbanded in January 1946, being part of the US army for around two years during World War Two.

The insignia of the 22nd Army corps is a white arrow shaped patch with a blue spear point/arrowhead in the middle.

May 1945 divisions: 17th Airborne Division, 94th Infantry Division




23rd Army Corps
The Twenty-third Army Corps was active in the European Theater during World War Two. The corps saw limited action during the war and served primarily as an occupation force in western Germany after World War Two.

The insignia of the 23rd Army corps is and oval shape with a blue top half and a white bottom half. In the middel are three arrows crossing each other, also in blue and white.

May 1945 divisions: 28th Infantry Division


24th Army Corps
The Twenty-fourth Army Corps was active in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. The corps was activated in April 1944 and moved to the Pacific front shortly after. It participated in the invasion of Leyte in the Philippine Islands on 20 October 1944. From April 1945 the corps divisions participated in the invasion of Okinawa. After the war the corps served as an occupational force in Korea.

The insignia of the 24th Army corps is a blue shield like shape with in the middle a white heart with a blue border inside.

Motto: Honed in Combat


36th Army Corps
The Thirty-sixth Army Corps remained in the continental United States for the duration of World War Two. It was activated in 1944 and disbanded in 1945 after the bombs had dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The insignia of the 36th Army corps is a blue trefoil shape with in the middle a red and white 6 pointed star.