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35 results
WWII US Named Medal Grouping Father And Son
€170.00€150.00 -
WWII US Pocket Reading Booklet The Republic
€17.50€15.00 -
WWII US Colt Pistol Holster
€150.00€125.00 -
WWII US Canteen
€15.00€12.50 -
US Marksman Badge
€20.00€12.50 -
WWII US Dog Tag Chains
€25.00€20.00 -
WWII German Wehrpass Flak
€110.00€100.00 -
WWII German Portrait Drawing
€30.00€25.00 -
WWII Dutch Wooden Tray Grebbeberg
€25.00€20.00 -
WWII Dutch Pre-1940 Officers Shoulder Board
€25.00€20.00 -
WWII German Shoulder Board Cyphers
€15.00€10.00 -
WWII Dutch LBD Armband Verbinding
€75.00€70.00 -
WWII Dutch LBD Armband Brandmeester
€75.00€70.00 -
WWII German Document Set Doctor Krautwig
€50.00€45.00 -
WWII German Photograph Set FLAK
€35.00€30.00 -
WWII German Photograph Gebirgsjager
€22.50€20.00 -
WWII German Document NSDAP
€30.00€25.00 -
WWII German Document NSDAP
€30.00€25.00 -
WWII German P.O.W. Photograph Set Texas
€30.00€25.00 -
WWII German Booklet Weihnachten Named
€25.00€20.00 -
WWII German Bierzeitung Weihnachten
€25.00€20.00 -
1945 Dutch Cartoon Booklet Lijden Ontzet
€15.00€12.50 -
WWII German Richtkanonier Nebelwerfer Artillery Insignia
€40.00€35.00 -
WWII German M44 Braces