Coastal Artillery

Here you can find a list all different United States Army Coastal Artillery Divisions that saw action during World War Two. In total there are 5 Coastal Artillery Divisions. For every Coastal Artillery Division we have added pictures of their insignia (some with variations) and some background information. The patches seen here are made during the World War Two era. We hope you find this helpful!

1st Coastal Artillery

The 1st Coastal artillery was active in the north-east of the United States and served as a defense unit on the New England Frontier area. They were the first line of coastal defense in the case of a naval attack.


The insignia is a green square shape with in the middle a yellow circle and a diagonal red artillery shell.



2nd Coastal Artillery

The 2nd Coastal artillery was active in the north-east of the United States and served as a defense unit on the New York - Philadelphia frontier sector. They were the first line of coastal defense in the case of a naval attack.


The insignia is a green diagonal rectangular shape with in the middle a yellow diagonal rectangular shape and 2 red artillery shells.


3rd Coastal Artillery

The 3rd Coastal artillery was active in the north-east of the United States and served as a defense unit on the Chesapeake Bay Frontier Sector area. They were the first line of coastal defense in the case of a naval attack.


The insignia is a green round shape with in the middle a yellow 3 pointed shape and 3 red artillery shells.



4th Coastal Artillery

The 4th Coastal artillery was active in the south of the United States and served as a defense unit on the New Southern Coastal Frontier area. They were the first line of coastal defense in the case of a naval attack.


The insignia is a green diamond or square shape with in the middle a yellow square and 4 red artillery shells pointing to the corners.