US Military Abbreviations

As most collectors know, abbreviations are used everywhere. In war time books and papers, on website, reference books etc. In some cases you have no idea what the abbreviation means, to help you out we have composed a list of often used Abbreviations in the US military during World War Two. We hope you find this helpful!

1Lt 1st Lieutenant
1Sgt 1st Sergeant
2Lt 2nd Lieutenant
A/C Aviation Cadet
AA Anti-Aircraft
AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery
AAB Army Air Base
AAC Army Air Corps
AAF Army Air Forces
Acft Aircraft
ACU Army Combat Unit
ADC Alaska Defense Command
AF Air Forces
AFHQ Allied Forces Headquarters
AG Adjudant General
AGF Army Ground Forces
AP Anti-Personnel
AR Army Regulations
ARM Airman
Art Artillery
Arty Artillery
ASC Air Service Command
ASF Army Service Forces
Asgd Assigned
Asgmt Assignment
ASTP Army Specialized Training Program
AT Anti-Tank
ATC Air Transport Command
AUS Army of the United States
Awol Absent Without Leave
BG Brigadier General
B Gen Brigadier General
Bmr Bomber
Bn Battalion
BRO Big Red One (1st Infantry Division)
Btry Battery (artillery)
CA Coast Artillery
Capt Captain
Cav Cavalry
CBI China-Burma-India Theater
CCA Combat Command A
CCB Combat Command B
CCR Combat Command Reserve
CD Civil Defense
CENPAC Central Pacific
CG Commanding General
CIB Combat Infantry Badge
Clk Clerk
Cmd Command
CO Commanding Officer
Co Company
Col Colonel
Comd Command
Comdr Commander
Comdt Commandant
COSSAC Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander
CP Command Post
Cpl Corporal
CT China Theater
CWO Chief Warrant Officer
CWS Chemical Warfare Service
D/D Dishonorable Discharge
Def Defense
Dep Department
Det Detachment
Dis Discharged
Disch Discharged
Div Division
Divarty Divisional Artillery
DNB Died, Non-Battle
DOW Died of Wounds
Dy Duty
E East
EDC Eastern Defense Command
EM Enlisted Men
Engr Engineer
Enl Enlisted
Enlmt Enlistment
EO Executive Order
ERC Enlisted Reserve Corps
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, U.S.A.
EW Enlisted Women
Ey Enemy
Ex. O. Exexutive Officer
Exec Executive, Executive Officer
FA Field Artillery
FEAF Far East Air Forces
FEASC Far East Air Service Command
Fin Finance
FO Flight Officer
FO Field Order
FO Forward Observer
FOD Finding of Death
Fld Field
FLT O Flight Officer
FM Field Manual
FSSF First Special Service Forces
Fur Furlough
Fwd Forward
G-1 Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel
G-2 Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence
G-3 Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Training
G-4 Assistant Chief of Staff for Supply and Evacuation
GCM General Court Martial
Gen General
Ger German
GHQ General Headquarters
GO General Order
Gp Group
Gr Grade
GS General Staff
GySgt Gunnery Sergeant
Hist Historical
Hon Honorable Discharge
Hosp Hospital
Hq Headquarters
Hv Heavy
Hvy Heavy
IBT India-Burma Theater
I&E Information and Education
IG Inspector General
IGD Inspector General's Department
Inf Infantry
Insp Inspection, inspector
Int Intelligence
Intpr Interpreter
IPW Interrogation Prisoner of War
JA Judge Advocate
JAG Judge Advocate General
Jd Joined
KIA Killed in Action
KP Kitchen Patrol
LCpl Lance Corporal
LD Line of Duty
Ldr Leader
LMG Light Machine Gun
Ln Liaison
Ln Off Liaison Officer
Ltr Letter
Lt Lieutenant
LtC Lieutenant Colonel
LtG Lieutenant General
Lt Gen Lieutenant General
Lv Leave
M/R Morning Report
M/Sgt Master Sergeant
MAAF Mediterranean Allied Air Forces
Maj Major
Maj Gen Major General
MC Medical Corps
MD Medical Department
MDW Military District of Washington
Med Medical
Med Medical Discharge
MG Major General
MG Machine Gun
MI Military Intelligence
MIA Missing in Action
MID Military intelligence Division
Mil Military
MIS Military intelligence Service
MOS Military Occupation Specialty
MPB Military Personnel BRanch
MPD Military Personnel Department
Msg Message
MT Motor Transport
MTD Military Training Division
Mtg Meeting
MTO Mediterranean Theater of Operations
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S.A.
N North
NATO North African Theater of Operations
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S.A.
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NLD Not in the line of duty
NonCom Non-Commissioned Officer
NTR Nothing To Report
OB Order of Battle
Obj Objective
Obsn Observation
Obsr Observer
OC Officer Candidate
OCofS Office, Chief of Staff
OCS Officer Candidate School
Off Officer
OP Observation Post
Opn Operation
Opns Operations
Ord Ordonance
Orgn Organizations
OSS Office of Strategic Services
Par Paragraph
Pers Personnel
Pfc Private First Class
PH Purple Heart
Pl Platoon
Plat Platoon
Plng Planning
PO Plans and Operations
POE Port of Embarkation
POW Prisoner of War
PRO Public Relations Officer
Proj Project
Pvt Private
Pz Panzer
Q Question
QM Quartermaster
QMC Quartermaster Corps
QMG Quartermaster General
Qrs Quarters
Rat Rations
Rcn Reconnaissance
Rctg Recruiting
Reasgmt Reassignment
Rec Record
Reg Regulation
Regt Regiment
Rep Representative
Repl Replacement
Reqmt Requirement
Res Reserve
ROTC Reserve Officers Training Corps
S South
S/A Small Arms
S/Sgt Staff Sergeant
Sch School
SCM Special Court Martial
SEAC Southeast Asia Command
Sec Section
Serv Service
SG Surgeon General
Sgt Sergeant
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
SigC Signal Corps
SigO Signal Officer
Sitrep Situation Report
Sk Sick
SN Secretary of the Navy
SO Special Order
Sol Soldier
SP Self Proppeled
SP Supply Point
Sp Special
SS Selective Service
SSI Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
SSN Specifation Serial Number
SSUA Special Staff, US Army
Stf Staff
Sub Subject
Svc Service Command
SW Secretary of War
SWPA South West Pacific Area
T Theater
T3 Technician 3rd Grade
T4 Technician 4th Grade
T5 Technician 5th Grade
T/Cpl Technical Corporal
T/Sgt Technical Sergeant
TC Transportation Corps
Tech Technical
Telg Telegram
TF Task Force
Tng Training
Tp Telephone
Tr Troop(s)
Tk Tank
Tk Truck
Trp Troop
Unasg Unassigned
USAAF US Army Air Forces
USARJ United States Army, Japan
USMC United Stated Marine Corps
USSTAF IS Strategic Air Forces Europe
V-P Day Victory in the Pacific Day
V-J Day Victory over Japan Day
VA Veterans' Administration
VE-Day Victory in Europe Day
Vic Vicinity
W West
W1 Warrant Officer 1
W2 Warrant Officer 2
WAAC Women's Army Auciliary Corps
WAAF Women's Army Auciliary Force
WAC Women's Army Corps
WAF Women in the Air Force
WASP Women Air Service Pilots
WD War Department
WDC Western Defence Command
WIA Wounded in Action
WO Warrant Officer
WO1 Warrant Officer 1
WO2 Chief Warrant Officer 2
WOJG Warrant Officer Junior Grade
Wpns Weapons
X RD Crossroad
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
ZI Zone of Interior