Sold items
In deze categorie staan items die reeds zijn verkocht. Om te laten zien wat voor items wij verkopen, en voor eventuele referentie is deze categorie aangemaakt.
This category contains items that have already been sold. This category has been created to show what kind of items we sell, and for possible reference.
All sold items:
900 results
WWII US Leather Palm Gloves €60.00
WWII Dutch LBD EHBO Helmet €47.50
WWII US MI Marker Kit €60.00
WWI US Summer Uniform Set €295.00
WWI US Navy Jacket €125.00
WWI US Garrison Cap With Pin €60.00
WWI US Messkit €40.00
WWI US 3rd Army Patch Felt €35.00
WWII US Garand Bayonet SOLD €150.00
WWII US Son In Service Flag €30.00
WWII German K98 Bayonet Mundlos €175.00