Miscellaneous Patches 1

Here you can find a list of different United States Army patches. For every patch we have added pictures of the insignia (some with variations) and some background information. The patches seen here are made during the World War Two era. We hope you find this helpful!

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
The Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) was the headquarters of the Allied forces in northwest Europe. SHAEF commanded the largest number of formations on the Western Front, with American, French, British and Canadian forces. The supreme allied commander in charge was Dwight D. Eisenhower. SHEAF commanded the US 1st Allied Airborne, 6th Army Group, 12th Army Group and the British 21st Army Group.

The insignia of SHEAF is a black shield like shape with on top a rainbow and blue stripe. In the middle is a flaming sword.


Allied Forces Headquarters

The Allied Force Headquarters (AFHQ) was the headquarters that controlled allied forces in the Mediterranean theater during World War Two. The allied commander in charge was Dwight D. Eisenhower until January 1944 when Eisenhower had to put his efforts to plan Operation Overlord. He was succeeded by General Wilson. The headquarters oversaw operations in North-Africa and Italy during the war.

The insignia worn was a blue round shape with a red border. In the middle are white letters for Allied Forces (AF).


US Headquarters European Theater Of Operations
The Headquarters European Theater Of Operations was the headquarters that controlled allied forces in the ETO during World War Two. It served under the SHEAF and controlled the forces in northwest Europe.

The Insignia is a blue shield shape with a yellow border. At the top are blue, white and red stripes. In the middle stands a yellow eagle with 13 white stars surrounding his wings.




US General Headquarters South West Pacific Area

The Headquarters South West Pacific Area was the headquarters that controlled allied forces in the PTO during World War Two. The supreme allied commander in charge was Douglas MacArthur. The SWPA included areas like the Philippines, Borneo, the Dutch East Indies , East Timor, Australia,New Guinea, and part of the Solomon Islands. It primarily consisted of US and Australian forces although some other Allied forces also served in the SWPA.

The insignia worn was a green square with an often purple flag which has the yellow letters GHQ on it.



US Army Specialized Training Program
The Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) was a military training program instituted by the United States Army during World War Two. It served as a training program to help the army get higher numbers in junior officers an technical skilled personnel. It trained enlisted soldiers in fields as engineering, foreign languages, and medicine.

The insignia worn by the ASTP was a yellow square shape with a blue border and in the middle an oil lamp crossed by a bayonet.



The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps was part of the Army Specialized Training Program. It was an advanced training program for US personnel to train officers/potential officers in specialized field. Because so many men had graduated from ROTC, outnumbering Regular Army officers by over three to one, the program was disbanded in early 1943.

The insignia worn by the ROTC is a round shape with blue, white, red stripes and in the middle a yellow torch. Below the torch is the text 'ARMY R.O.T.C.'



US Officer Candidate School
The Officer Candidate School gave enlisted soldiers the possibility to become officers with a training program. It was the more basic Officer training program compared to the ROTC. Due to the ROTC getting disbanded in 1943, the OCS became the primary school for officers. Officer Candidate School was the first formal integration. Black and white candidates shared quarters and all of the candidates trained together. Between July 1941 and May 1947, over 100,000 candidates were enrolled in 448 Infantry OCS classes, of these approximately 67 percent completed the course.

The insignia worn was a black round patch with a green border with in the middle the letters CS.

Motto: Standards, No Compromise

West Point Cadet 
The famously know West Point was a military training academy established in the revolutionary war. During World War Two it trained higher numbers of soldiers and even let them graduate at a quicker pace. These patches were worn by West Point trainees with the cadet rank.

The insignia worn is a white shield shape with a red border and in the middle a blue helmet with feathers.



ITALY P.O.W. Sleeve Patch

These patches were worn by Italian P.O.W.'s that the Americans had taken. These prisoners of war were later transformed into the Italian Service Units, Italian ex-P.O.W.'s who fought on the Allied side!

The patch has a green oval shape with a darker green border and white letters that say ITALY.



Amphibious Engineer Command
The Amphibious Engineer Command patches were worn on the left breast pocket instead of the typical placing at the shoulder. Often in combination with an engineer brigade patch. US army personnel wearing these patches had special amphibious training and were part of special amphibious operations. Like the storming of the beaches on D-day.

The insignia worn was a white oval with a blue border. In the middle a red seahorse.



Engineer Special Brigade
These Engineer Special Brigades were active in various theaters during World War Two. US army personnel wearing these patches had special amphibious training and were part of special amphibious operations. Like the storming of the beaches on D-day.

The insignia of the Engineers Special Brigade was a blue or red shape with in the middle a yellow eagle with a machine gun and an anchor. The blue version was worn by army personnel, while the red version was worn by naval personnel.



Ports Of Embarkation

The Ports of Embarkation were active in all theaters and the homefront during World War Two. They were part of the Transportation Corps and their task was to ensure a smooth flow of supplies and US replacements through port facilities.

The Ports of Embarkation insignia is a red shield shaped patch with a yellow old style ships steering wheel.